Sabtu, 28 Desember 2013

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b or c !      
   (Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (x) huruf a,b, atau c!)    
1. This is a ....

a. pen
b. pencil
c. ruler

2.  Mr. Jhon is a ....


 a. teacher                       b. student                      c. schoolguard

3.  We buy food in the ....
     a. canteen                  b. classroom                  c. office

4.  I need a ... to write.
     a. bag
     b. pencil box
     c. pencil

5. This is my ....


     a. eraser
     b. bag
     c. ruller

6. We are studying in the ....
     a. canteen                      b. classroom                      c. office

7. Those are ... and ...

     a. books and pens
     b. pencils and bags
     c. rulers and erasers

8.  Mrs. Mawar  is a .... (Kepala Sekolah)
     a. teacher                      b. headmistrees             c. schoolguard

9. Mr. Diman  is a .... (Penjaga Sekolah)
     a. schoolguard              b. teacher                      c. Student

10. They are ....


 a. teacher                      b. headmaster                c. Students
II.  Fill in the blanks with the words in the box !
     (Isilah titik-titik dengan kata-kata yang ada di dalam kotak!)

a.School        b. library        d.teacher     e.classroom

11. Mr. Bian is a ....
12. We are studying English in the ....
13. SDN Pelita Abadi is my ....
14. I ... a student.

15. we read books in the ....

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